mobile optimized website

Only 42.8% of website traffic comes from desktop computers. This means that nearly 60% of people are visiting your website from their mobile devices.

This is just one reason why it’s crucial to have a mobile-optimized website for your business. It’s no longer enough to have a website that’s merely “mobile-friendly.” To gain an edge over your competitors, you need to make mobile optimization your priority.

Keep reading and we’ll outline three important ways that a mobile-optimized site will help you grow your business. We’ll also point you towards custom web design services to get you the results you want.

1. Improve Your Mobile & Local SEO

A few years back, mobile SEO and regular SEO were two separate things. Now they’re not only intertwined, but mobile SEO is an increasingly larger factor in how well your website ranks. In Google’s eyes, a mobile-optimized website earns a higher ranking than a site that isn’t optimized.

Consider this statistic: Searches with the terms “near me” and “where to buy” have grown over 200% in the past few years. If your company depends on local customers in a small geographic area, it’s crucial for your business to show up in search results.

Otherwise, those potential customers end up at one of your competitor’s stores who is making SEO a priority!

2. Better User Experience

Have you ever tried to navigate a website on your phone, only to get frustrated and search for a different site? Maybe it was too slow and clunky, or maybe some of the site elements didn’t load or appear correctly.

Remember: A website that looks amazing on a desktop could be a disaster on a mobile device. If users can’t quickly open menus, watch videos, or find your contact information, they’ll soon bounce to one of your competitors.

In fact, 88% of mobile web users won’t return to a site if they’ve had a poor user experience. Mobile optimization ensures that your site loads correctly and is easy to use on phones and tablets of every shape and size. 

3. Boost Time on Site & User Engagement

Mobile website optimization boosts your local SEO and provides a stellar user experience. As a result, you’ll notice that visitors stay on your site longer, which increases your chances of making a conversion.

The longer someone stays on your site, the more likely they are to interact with it. They might click on your CTA links, leave a comment, or (best of all) buy something. One study found that a customer who spends 50 seconds on a product page has the highest probability of making a purchase.

You also have unique opportunities to integrate your mobile site with offline or print media, such as easy-to-use QR codes. What’s the takeaway? The easier and more enjoyable your mobile user experience, the more you’ll see your business grow and thrive.

Need Help Creating a Mobile-Optimized Website?

In 2021, mobile website optimization is no longer optional. With more mobile web users than desktop users, you’re missing valuable opportunities to bring new customers to your business.

Of course, creating a mobile-optimized website is easier said than done. That’s where we come in. At DigiBrand Studios, we can design an amazing custom website for your business that’s mobile-optimized and SEO-friendly.

Contact us today and let’s discuss your website needs!

web design cost

Did you know that 75% of a website’s perceived credibility is determined by the overall aesthetics?

With that in mind, having the best website should be a priority for every business in the digital age. But many business owners are unsure about web design cost, what it entails and what is good value for money.

If these are some of the thoughts or questions you have had when planning web design, this is the article for you, so read on for the answers.

Cost to Design a Website

Arguably, a website and a business’s online presence are quickly becoming a space where no expense should be spared, but every business has a budget and wants to get the best return on its investment. 

You likely don’t want to hire a designer, a programmer, a marketer, testers, etc. So a web designer or agency is critical to your success.

Factors That Affect the Price

The overall cost when designing a website breaks down to several factors before anything ever actually gets put together and goes live online. You need an experienced web designer, a domain, hosting and server set up, and all the programs and tools to take the ideas into digital reality.

Design experience is vital because while many people might dabble in programming, there is a lot more to bring a website to a functional level to deal with hundreds or thousands of users and look fantastic.

So what are the most important factors to consider when hiring a web designer? Here are the top four;

1. Custom Web Design

There are plenty of budget sites out there that have pre-built websites and templates.

The big drawback with this is that you are extremely limited in what your website can actually do. You are also tied to a service that can either add or remove features as they see fit.

If they change aspects of their software, you have a massive learning curve to make adjustments on the website.

Custom web design from professionals essentially gives you access to limitless features depending on your budget and timeframe.

2. Extra Functions and Features

As we mentioned, functions and features on a website are what takes up the bulk of design time. Pre-built websites don’t have much flexibility because it gives you a base set of options, and that’s it.

If you are an online store and you want to include a way for people to make a purchase, a designer can set that up for you. But even more, they can implement features like storing customer details to return and shop with maximum convenience.

3. Mobile Accessibility

Today, internet users access websites through a few different devices. The most commonly used with over 50% of users is on mobile

With that in mind, making sure your website is accessible and optimized for mobile is vital for your success.

4. Marketing and SEO Optimization

Marketing and SEO are the ways business grows and get recognized online.

Having a web designer who keeps this at the forefront of the design process can differentiate between a thriving website and an inactive one.

Web Design Cost That Is More Than Worth It

Web design costs will be different depending on exactly what you need, but why not look at some of our previous work to get a feel for what we can offer your business.

If you are ready to take the next step and get your digital presence in top shape, get in touch now.

web designer

Do you manage a small business? If so, it’s no secret that operating a successful and profitable company of any kind is full of challenges. After all, reaching new customers and growing your brand is never easy. That’s why you need to maximize your social media presence and make sure that you have the best company website possible. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place for the best tips for designing a webpage. This article takes a look at some of the top benefits of hiring a professional web designer.

Keep reading to get the inside scoop on why quality web design is such an important investment.

1. SEO

When it comes to running a small business in the modern world, nothing is more important for driving users to your webpage than SEO.

This is a tool that enables potential customers to find your product or service organically. 

Quality web design maximizes the effectiveness of SEO to make customers in your area aware of your brand. This is actually one of the most powerful forms of marketing ever created.

2. Professional Design 

It’s no secret that anyone can buy a book on basic web design and create their own website in a matter of hours. This is especially true if you’re not worried about aesthetics or creating a user experience that will make a good first impression.

But a skilled website designer understands how to create a product that is easy to navigate, looks amazing, and is incredibly responsive.

Web designers are also skilled at integrating other aspects of your brand, including social media and making the most of your existing customer base. 

3. Faster Webpage

It’s really impossible to overstate the importance of creating a website with a responsive design that enables it to work in total alignment with the latest advancements in mobile technologies.

In fact, if your web design isn’t mobile-friendly, users will almost certainly bounce from your website to a competitor. 

Fortunately, skilled designers understand how to make your site sticky so that customers will remain engaged as long as possible.

4. They Will Create a Design Specifically for Your Industry

Every industry is different, with different needs. Therefore your website needs to be designed specifically to meet your needs as well as the needs of your customers.

Good Web designers understand this and can help your website stand out from competitors within your specific industry.

5. Faster Site Design

Customers demand speed. They don’t have time to waste waiting for a webpage to load. That’s why it’s so important to invest in a site that provides maximum speed and security, while also offering the best possible overall user experience. 

A Guide to the Benefits of Hiring a Web Designer

Running a profitable business requires hard work, good employees, and the right strategy for increasing customer reach. Fortunately, this guide to the benefits of hiring a web designer proves the value of investing in a professional webpage.

Please contact us today to learn how we can help take the quality of your marketing to the next level.

types of websites

Do you want your small business to achieve more traffic? Have you started looking into creating a website to gain an online status for your company?

Did you know, in 2019, less than 64% of small businesses had a website? Out of those who didn’t, 58% planned to make one. 

Creating a website for any subject can be pretty endearing. Don’t run headfirst into making your small business’s website by choosing the first to come along. 

There are several types of websites you have to choose from for your small business. Keep reading to learn more about a few of your options.

Magazine Style’s Websites

Your standard magazine is full of different articles with a similar theme. Taking this system and using it for your website could be perfect for your business.

The magazine-style allows your site to offer your product and service while also giving your visitors articles to read about similar subjects to what you are selling. 

This style would be the correct option for companies who want to offer their customers a little more. For example, your company sells cooking equipment, but you also provide recipes for your customers to try their new equipment. 

E-Commerce Types of Websites

The E-Commerce style website is for your companies who are all about the products. Their main aim is selling products but offers no services alongside. 

You will see more website options than the others. E-Commerce sites require a specific style. They will need to tempt customers to add additional products to their carts.

Choosing an E-Commerce website would be for companies with a range of products. For example,

Brochure Style’s Websites

Before you joined the online world, how did you promote your products or services? A lot of the time, companies advertise through brochures. 

Designing a website like an online version of a brochure is one option you could choose. You will lay out your products and services in an informative way. Customers can read through it to understand why to choose you. 

This style is perfect for small business websites that offer a single service. Such as builders or decorators. 

Website Design

Now you should know the types of websites you can choose. The next step is the actual design of the website. 

Using the expertise of web design companies can take a lot of the pressure off your shoulders. With years of experience, they will know website design tips to make your site the best it can be.

They will bring in methods to increase your traffic to your website, leading to higher sales. They will know best how to make your site stand out among the rest. 

Publish Your Site

You have looked through the types of websites and found the best design. All that’s left is to publish your site for people to visit and begin making money. 

Are you selling a service, product, or both? Choosing the correct style is paramount to the success of your website. 

Check out our other blogs on tips, tricks, and all things related to digital marketing.

custom web design

Let’s be real. You’ve come across this article because you know you want your website to stand out. You just aren’t sure if doing a custom web design is worth the time, money, and effort.

You know it would be easier to take the shortcut, but you also know the basic themes offered to you aren’t going to cut it. You want your branding and business to stand out and look different.

Yet, you’re not quite sold on it yet. You’re asking yourself if you should hire a website designer. Here’s a list of four reasons why it’s worth it to design your own website. 

Custom Web Design Branding

To look as legitimate as possible, you want your website to portray your brand and who you are.

Many times, smaller businesses and pre-designed website themes only allow for a small number of pages that are tailored for you to fill in with content. If you want to add more areas and create more of a structure, you should invest in creating that yourself.

If you need any advice on how to brand your website, click here for more tips.

Having Control over What You Want

Often times when you get a theme on WordPress, you are not always able to customize everything you want. There are some customizable options, but not for everything.

If you want control over what you want on your website, custom web design is definitely your best bet. You can choose where to put your logo and your posts without a predesignated spot choosing for you. Whatever you want to design can be placed on the website.

That is not always the case with themes and pre-designed sites. Creating your own website from scratch reduces the amount of limitations you will have. It gives you control over anything you choose.

Make Your Website Stand Out

Think about it. If you have a theme on your site that hundreds or even thousands of other businesses share, you’re just another business.

To stand out, you need to do a custom web design. You are able to express who you are on your website—bringing all aspects of your vision to life, not just some parts of it.

Creating a website from scratch may be hard, but the end result will be worth it.

Grow Your Skills

Not only are you getting the satisfaction of creating your own website, but you are also growing a wealth of knowledge.

It’s not a secret that designing your own website isn’t easy. Although it can be a struggle, you will continue to increase your understanding of technology and web design. You’ll be able to design more websites in the future or simply tweak your own design when you outgrow it.

If you need more information, Goodman Creatives has even more reasons to build your website from scratch.

Designing Your Site

So now you’re asking: Is custom web design worth it?

Although at first it may be hard to swallow the money upfront for custom web design, you will get what you pay for in the long run. Yes, it may be harder as well, but you are the designer of everything you want on it. You choose how much you want to spend, how you want to design your website, and everything in-between.

If you’re ready to take the next step, Digi Brand Studios has web professionals that can help! Start your newest website with help from one of our professionals by clicking here.

web design company

If you want to dominate search engines with great content, then your website needs a blog. It could be a blog-based platform or an e-commerce site with a blog on it. Google and other search engines prize high-quality content in their search results and a blog is the best way to showcase it.

Don’t haphazardly create a blog on your site and instead have a web design company create it for you. They have the expertise and knowledge to not only have your blog look great, but also be a magnet for search engines.

We’ll explain five reasons why you need professionals to create your blog.

Standard Vs. Custom Design

Many platforms have ways to create a quick blog, but the standard formatting and assets that go with the blog aren’t to make you stand out. Your blog looks like every other blog on the platform and that’s not going to turn heads.

You need people to not only visit the blog but enjoy it visually and have a great user experience. Web design professionals provide custom designs that help your blog stand out and have an improved user experience.

A Web Design Company Understands Schema

Schema is a programming language that gives search engine crawlers context for a web page. Some platforms provide basic schema, but only professionals know how to use the various schema tags for your different blog articles.

Schema helps not only provide context but also improves your chances of expanded search results and placement in knowledge graphs such as Q & As.

Higher Level of Creativity

We talked a little about standing out with the custom design, but professionals can add their own unique creativity to your blog pages.  While you may know all about the business and product and have certain color schemes and logos, professionals can take your design far beyond that.

They can meld your color scheme and develop formatting that looks amazing. Their job is to make websites look their best and they’ve seen dozens or even hundreds of different website designs that can help you.

Professionals Create High-Quality Work

While many platforms provide a do-it-yourself approach to web design, there are many aspects a beginner likely doesn’t understand. Creating a website without a professional may leave you open to security issues or server problems.

Your online presence brings customers to your site, but what if your site goes down. Professionals know all the pitfalls that happen because they’ve created many websites. They provide high-quality work. If you have questions, they’ll be there for you.

Designs for You and Customers

As the business owner, you know the ins and outs of your business niche, but your customers may not. You’ll likely create a blog that caters to your level of information, which may turn off visitors. Web design professionals create a website that both you and your customers love.

If they notice the information becoming too technical or outside the grasp of your audience, then they’ll suggest changes that make it better for the user experience.

Web Design Professionals Can’t Be Beat

Don’t let your blog become a hindrance to your website. Let a web design company create something that caters to search engines and your customers.

If you want to learn more about web design, then please contact us today.

website design process

Have you ever felt frustrated at someone for doing a job slowly only to realize later that the job is way more complicated than you thought?

It takes roughly three to four months to get a website from an idea to launch. If you don’t understand what goes into building a website this might seem like an unreasonably long time.

What goes into the website design process anyway?

Here’s a rundown of what’s involved.

Define Purpose

Before we know what we are going to do with the site we need to know what it’s purpose and goals are. This is where the web designer sits down with the client and fleshes out exactly what the client wants their website to achieve. 

This determines exactly what work will need to be done to set the site up correctly. 

Plan the Whole Website Design Process 

Once we know what the purpose of the site is we can lay out a plan for exactly what we need to create. For example, if a site needs to accommodate a lot of online purchases it needs to be set up with an e-commerce platform.

Things like sign up forms, optimizing for mobile, and existing site content are all taken into consideration to form a master plan, budget, and timeline.

Basically in this stage, we define what pages and features the website needs to meet its goals and how much work will go into this. 

Design and Information Architecture

In the design stage, any site content is created and the architecture of the site is laid out. The road map of the site, where all the content will be placed, color schemes and visual identity are decided on.

By the end of the design and architecture stage, the look and feel of the website is established.


This is where the process goes from design-focused and becomes technical. The website needs to be set up with the correct code and complying with the relevant standards.

The website framework or content management system is decided on, depending on how much customization the website needs.

By the end of the development stage, all features of the site are behaving correctly without compromising on speed or performance of the site.

Site Launch

After all the final performance and security tests are run on the site it is transferred to a live server under the client’s chosen domain name.

The site is tested to make sure the user experience is up to scratch and matches what the client is trying to achieve. The client’s website analytics provider is linked to the site and any necessary training is given to the client so that they can use the site’s basic functions; like posting blogs and accessing the e-mail features.

Ongoing Maintenance 

The maintenance of a website is as important as its creation, though this is not always obvious. Security and performance updates will need to be handled, as well as fixing any problems that arise as the site goes live.

The reality is that website trends change and will need to be updated. As the website grows it may also need extra or updated features. So the relationship between the client and website designer shouldn’t end as soon as the site launches.

Wrap Up

You may not want to develop your own website but it’s a good idea to understand what is involved in the process. Clear communication between client and designer makes the website design process smoother and produces better results.

Contact us today for more information about our digital marketing and web design services.

basic web design

In today’s competitive business environment, a great website isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. There are almost 200 million active websites on the internet. You need yours to stand out for all the right reasons. 

Looking for conversions from your website? There are some basic web design elements every site needs for success. 

Keep reading for some basic web design pointers for your business. 

Keep Customers on Your Website

Marketing is important when it comes to your website, and there are a few key factors for attracting visitors; but once your visitors arrive, they need a great experience. 

If the page doesn’t load within a second or two or navigating the site is hard, you’ll lose conversions. Don’t reinvent the wheel! There are a few important design elements your site needs. 

Always make sure your site is with a reputable host first since website outages cost your company a lot of money

1. Great Navigation

Everyone is familiar with common navigation layouts. While it’s tempting to try something new, it’s also a bad idea. 

Make sure your navigation is easy to see and use. Potential customers don’t want to hunt around for information. 

It’s also important that your site is easy to use from any mobile device. 

2. Visual Appearance and Layout

Visual appearance and layout are more important than you might think. A cluttered homepage makes navigating difficult. If a customer can’t figure out what’s going on, they’ll leave your site. 

Make sure there’s plenty of white space on your homepage, and don’t overcrowd. Don’t have lots of pop-up boxes or ads either. That makes loading times slow. 

3. Color and Branding

Use your brand’s colors in a consistent manner throughout the site. Are you a law office? Opt for professional colors like deep blues or greens. 

Pops of bright color signal a creative business while pastel shades of blue and pink are great for a children’s clothing line. 

Whatever colors you choose, make sure they fit your brand. 

4. The Importance of Typography

Serif fonts are great for body text since it’s easier distinguishing word shape with these style fonts. San serif fonts are great for titles. 

Serif fonts have the added flair on the ends of the letters. These fonts look distinguished and are great for lawyers and other professionals. 

Unless your website is for children, avoid comic sans. 

5. Valuable Content

Valuable content draws people to your website and keeps them there. No matter how pretty and navigable your site is, you need great content. 

Use small blocks of text with lots of whitespace and make sure the text is valuable. Include an “about” page and don’t forget a “contact” page. 

If you have a blog, offer insights and information that help your potential customers.

Basic Web Design Elements for Success 

Basic web design elements are a must if you want a successful business. If you build it, they won’t come unless they can navigate it and find answers to their questions. 

Make sure your visual design and layout are easy on the eyes. Use your brand’s colors in a consistent manner across the site. Don’t dismiss the importance of a great font!

Always include content that’s valuable for your potential customers. 

Need help with your web design? Contact us here!

3 Things Your Small Business Website Must Have - Digi Brand Studios

Are you a small business owner struggling with the content or design elements of your website? You’re not alone! Many small business owners struggle in this area. There are many ways to draw in more clients and customers through your website. One of the most important ways is through your website copy. Here are 3 quick tips to get you pointed in the right direction and help improve your small business marketing.

1. A clear headline

When a potential client or customer clicks on your website, they need to know within the first 3 seconds what you have to offer them and how you’re going to solve their problem. Your headline is very important because it’s the first thing they see. Your headline should clearly state what you offer in a way that grabs your ideal client’s attention. For example, a good headline for a T-shirt printing business could read “Your one-stop shop for custom T-shirt design and printing.”

2. A strong call to action

Your call to action needs to be visible right away and it needs to clearly tell your prospective client what you would like them to do. Whether it be “schedule your free consultation,” “add to cart,” “subscribe to my email list,” or “call now,” just make sure your call to action is clear and consistent throughout your entire website. Ideally, your first call to action will be located directly next to or under your headline, so they immediately know how you can help them and how they can contact you.

3. Search engine optimization

If you want to reach your ideal customers through your website, you will need to optimize your web pages through keywords that target your specific audience. This starts with knowing your niche and your audience well.

You can start by researching other companies within your niche and finding popular keywords through a google search. Implement these keywords into your web pages in a way that sounds authentic and natural. Keyword stuffing is a turnoff to potential clients and not good for SEO.

Once you’ve implemented keywords and phrases throughout your website, the next step is to add a blog. Content marketing is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website and gain more leads.

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. You’re trying to juggle everything on your own but you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself. At Digi Brand Studios, we specialize in helping small business owners grow their business through online digital marketing. Figuring out SEO and content marketing is time-consuming, but we can help you with that.

We offer the latest in search engine optimization techniques specifically for small businesses. We’ll take care of everything for you, so you can get back to the heart of your business. We can provide regular content for your website’s blog that targets your ideal clients and drives them to your website. Contact us today if you’re ready to take your business to the next level and take the weight of digital marketing off your shoulders.